Vacation apartment Daisy Berggasthof Kuhberg

* 1 Living/Bedroom

Vacation apartment Stützengrün | Western Ore Mountains

Daisy is a small but smart apartment for 2 people. The kitchen and bathroom are equipped with all the necessities for a long or short stay. The balcony with a view of the outside invites you to relax.

Living/Bedroom 1: 1 Double bed

Amenities of the vacation accommodation

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Prices and availability

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Rent cheaply and fairly: We do not charge any commission, service or booking fees! Book your accommodation up to 25% cheaper than on other portals. (Send request)

Price calculator: please click on the desired arrival and departure date in the calendar. Dates marked in red are not available.

The price shown here is the cheapest overnight price per night. This is calculated from the cheapest weekly rate including binding charges and final cleaning.. The rental price for your planned trip results from your desired travel period, the length of stay and the number of guests. You will receive your individual offer (non-binding and free of charge) first-hand directly from Host.

Rent cheap: we don't charge commissions, service fees or booking fees!

Rental information

You will receive information about your stay such as arrival and departure, payment options, down payment, deposit directly from the host. Just send an inquiry! (Send request)

Included in the travel price

Cancellation conditions

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